About the exibition

¿Cómo llegar al museo?

City bus (stræto) #14 : Stop “Grandagarður”, right in front of the museum.

Hop on Hop off : Stop #5 “Reykjavík Maritime Museum”

By taxi: The number for a taxi in Reykjavik is +354 588-5522. Ask them to take you to the Aurora Reykjavík Northern Lights Center, at Grandagarður 2.

También ofrecemos un amplio estacionamiento gratuito para nuestros visitantes justo afuera del museo.

¿Cuál es la hora más tardía a la que puedo visitar?
The museum closes at 9 pm so we recommend visiting no later than 8:30 pm to have ample  time to comfortably enjoy the exhibition.
¿Hay horarios específicos para la película?
No hay horarios específicos para ingresar a la exposición. Nuestra película se reproduce en un bucle continuo, lo que te permite ingresar cuando desees y disfrutar de la vista todo el tiempo que quieras.
¿Necesito reservar el ticket con antelación?
No es necesario reservar el ticket con antelación. Puedes comprarlo directamente en la entrada del museo cuando llegues.
¿Cuánto dura la visita?
We recommend 30-45 minutes to experience the entire exhibition. This of course depends on your pace, and, how long you spend in the interactive areas. Once you have entered the museum, you are free to enjoy the exhibit for as long as you like.
¿Cuáles son los horarios de apertura?

We are open every day from 9 am – 9 pm, except on Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Year’s Eve, when we are open 9 am – 4 pm. Any changes to these hours will be reflected on our social media accounts and our website.

About the northern lights

¿Cuándo puedo ver las Auroras Boreales en Islandia?

The northern lights season in Iceland begins in  early September and continues through mid-April.


¿Cuándo es el mejor momento para ver las auroras boreales?

During wintertime there is no best time to catch the aurora. Visibility relies on multiple factors cooperating together : dark skies with partial clarity, and the presence of solar activity. That being said, statistics point to October and March as the best months to try your luck, as the weather might be more stable then, with less precipitation.


¿Por qué no puedo ver las Auroras Boreales en verano?

To be able to see northern lights you need complete darkness. In summer we have what we call the “midnight sun”, meaning that there are no hours of actual nighttime darkness. It´s perfect for late night hiking, but makes it impossible for us to observe the aurora in Iceland between May and August. To see the sun graph and learn about the light balance for Reykjavik, you can visit these links:




¿Dónde debo ir para ver las Auroras Boreales?

It is hard to tell more than a few hours in advance where are the best spots for northern lights hunting, as it depends primarily on the weather conditions. In order to find the best spots we recommend going on a northern lights tour, or, if you’d rather go on your own, check our Pronóstico de Auroras Boreales for more information. This forecast updates frequently, and is key in how our photography team selects their nightly trajectory.


¿A qué hora aparecen las Auroras Boreales?

Northern lights are statistically often seen between 9 pm and 1 am, but they may appear at any time as long as the clear sky is dark – so patience is key!


¿Puedo ver Auroras Boreales desde Reikiavik?

Catching the northern lights is easier in the countryside or in areas with very little light pollution. During wintertime if weather is favorable, it can be possible to see them in the city. We recommend staying away from the city center as the light concentration there is the highest. The lighthouse in Grótta is a popular spot, but you can also take a walk along the northern seashore in order to have the light pollution at your back- maximizing your visibility chances.


¿Cuándo fue la última vez que visteis Auroras Boreales?


We manage to catch this amazing phenomenon pretty often here in Iceland. Our photographers go out almost every night to capture the best photos of the lights, and they share their experience on our Diario de Auroras.


¿Cómo puedo tomar fotografías de la Aurora Boreal?

You’ll find everything you need to get started with northern lights photography on our page aquí. For more tips and guidance we recommend visiting our exhibition which has a section dedicated to this subject.


Sobre los tours

¿Qué debo ponerme y/o llevar conmigo en un tour de auroras boreales?
Winter nights are cold and often windy. Hunting for northern lights may require you to stand outside for a long period of time, so make sure to wear warm layers of clothes, hat and gloves. Waterproof jacket and shoes are also recommended as you may have to face snow during your trip. As we say in Iceland “Það er ekki til slæmt veður ef þú klæðir þig rétt”, meaning there is no bad weather as long as you are appropriately dressed. Preparation is everything 😉
Me acaban de cancelar mi tour para ver Auroras Boreales, ¿qué debo hacer ahora?

Los tours de auroras boreales solo se realizan si las condiciones son favorables. Si el pronóstico no es bueno para la caza de auroras, los operadores del tour pueden cancelarlo. En ese caso, recibirás una notificación por correo electrónico, así que asegúrate de revisar tu bandeja de entrada el día del tour.

Si tu excursión de auroras boreales ha sido cancelada por el operador del tour, puedes reprogramarla para la próxima fecha disponible. Por favor, contacta a la empresa de tours para reprogramar. Encontrarás su información de contacto en tu voucher.

Si no has podido asistir a un tour de auroras boreales en absoluto durante tu estancia debido a la cancelación por parte del operador del tour, es posible que tengas derecho a un reembolso. Por favor, contacta a tu proveedor de tours para más información.

¿Qué se hace durante un tour de auroras boreales?

After being picked-up near your hotel (check your voucher for details), you will be driven to the countryside, away from the bright city lights of Reykjavík. Whether you choose to go on a super-jeep, mini-bus or bus tour, your guide will make sure to take you to the best location for northern lights hunting, according to the latest forecasts. During those stops you’ll have the opportunity to get out of the bus and take your time to observe and photograph the northern lights.

Once the tour is over, you’ll be driven back to your drop-off location. Duration of the tour is determined by the type of excursion you’ve booked, from 2-3 hours, to 5 hours.

¿Cómo reservo un tour para ver Auroras Boreales?

You can go on nuestra página de reserva de tours in order to browse our different options through filters. Once you’ve clicked on the desired tour, you’ll access a detailed description of the tour and a calendar. Select the date, time, number of people, and extras (if needed), then click on “book”. The next page will ask for your personal details, pick-up location (if needed) and payment information. After agreeing to our terms and conditions, your booking will be confirmed.

Un voucher electrónico será enviado automáticamente a tu correo electrónico. Por favor, léelo atentamente as you’ll find all the details regarding pick-up time and location there, as well as the contact information of the tour company operating the tour. Please contact them directly if you have questions regarding your tour or would like to make changes to your booking. We are also in the office everyday from 9:00am-9:00pm to help, so don´t hesitate to give us a call or drop us an e-mail, if you have any questions.

¿Ustedes operan los tours para ver las auroras boreales?
Aurora Reykjavík is a multimedia exhibition about the northern lights. Here you can learn everything about this natural phenomenon, how to catch it, and how to photograph it. This is the perfect preparation for your northern lights hunt. We do not take excursions out ourselves at this time, but we collaborate with many trustworthy tour operators and offer a buena selección de tours en nuestro sitio web y en nuestro portal de reservas.