
September and Northern Lights in Iceland

The northern lights season really takes off in September. At this time, the autumn equinox affects the intensity of the auroral activity, gifting us with stronger, brighter displays.
Enhanced activity, combined with shorter days and mild nights, make of September one of the best months for northern lights hunting in Iceland.
Northern lights tours officially start again now, providing travelers with a number of different, exciting options for hunting the northern lights.

September is blessed with a good balance of daylight and night darkness. Endless activity options are available to those who visit during the month, and, although often the highlands are by now inaccessible, other activities are in full swing.
Whale watching is especially worth trying: a large variety of sea mammals (from white-beaked and bottlenose dolphins to humpback whales, blue whales, minke whales, sperm whales, fin whales and orcas) can be seen off the coasts of Iceland for few more weeks, before they migrate for the winter.

For those who want to immerse themselves in the farming culture of Iceland first hand, participating in Réttir –  sheep or horse roundups – is an unmissable opportunity. Sheep farmers and Icelandic horse riding and breeding companies alike are joint by locals, and anyone interested in taking part in the activity, and collect the farm animals that have been settling in the highlands over the summer.